Ankle Pain Treatment in London
Ankle pain is very common and affects most people at some point in their lives. The foot and ankle are made up of 26 bones and over 33 small joints which work with muscles, ligaments and tendons to move the leg and foot.
A sprain of the ankle occurs when there is damage to one of the ligaments which connect bone to bone in the ankle joint. This can happen through twisting your ankle badly, or jumping or landing awkwardly during sport. Pain, swelling and bruising are typical symptoms. The ligament will usually heal over time but if you have persistent recurrent ankle sprains then it may be worth seeing a specialist foot and ankle surgeon.
Tendonitis of the ankle is inflammation of the tendons (the tough fibrous tissues that connect muscle to bone). Three different types of tendonitis affect the ankle: peroneal tendonitis, achilles tendonitis and posterior tibial tendonitis. All of these can cause pain, stiffness and bruising around the outside of the ankle. In most cases these injuries will improve over time with rest, icing and using an elasticated support to help protect the area. If these conservative measures don’t help then paracetamol and steroid injections can be very helpful.
In some cases where there is a structural problem within the ankle like excessive scar tissue, a bony prominence or cartilage defect then key hole surgery or arthroscopy may be necessary. During this procedure the specialist uses a small camera and instruments to look inside the ankle joint and remove any scar tissue, remove any bony prominences or repair any cartilage defects. This is minimally invasive surgery and allows for faster recovery with less scarring. More Details ankle pain treatment london
Other foot problems include osteoarthritis which can make your feet feel stiff and painful and lead to limited mobility and reduced activity. This is where the team at The London Orthopaedic Clinic can help. They use a multidisciplinary approach which includes orthopaedic surgery, pain management specialists and physiotherapists to relieve your symptoms. Physiotherapy exercises, anti-inflammatories and specialised braces can all help with your recovery. If these don’t relieve your symptoms then a knee or hip replacement may be required.
There are several different types of arthritis in the foot and ankle including rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. These conditions are triggered by an over-reaction of the immune system and can often lead to conditions such as plantar fasciitis, heel pain, tendonitis and dactylitis (sausage toe). This type of arthritis needs long term management with medications and a combination of therapies. Our expert orthopaedic surgeons and physiotherapists can advise you on the best course of treatment to manage your foot and ankle problems.